
30 abr 2013

Blog News

Hi there!

Its been a long time ever since a new post! I know its been a long time. But don't worry! We are still working on it! We must clean up everything, updating the pages...oh boy,  there is A LOT of work to do. We must get it ready in June or July!

Now, I have some other ideas to this blog which it might come soon.

*Penguin of the Week
*Igloo of the Week
*Giveaways (I will try to save some money!) (We will accept donations!)
*Main Social Xat Room
*...And other more ideas soon ;)

Also, I have a Youtube Account now! I will make a Facebook Page soon, and probably even Instagram. But for now, its time to focus on the blog and Youtube. And in case you ask, my Youtube Channel name is "Phineas99cp". My current videos are "just the start" ;)

Hope you understand! And I will see you very soon my fellow feathered penguins ;)


4 abr 2013

Blog Opened

The Blog is finally opened and we've developed it by using atahualpa coding , We hope you like it . The official owner Phineas99 will continue posting from now on !

-CPCBP99 Team