
10 oct 2013

Club Penguin Times Issue #416

Hello guys

First of all, sorry for not posting much in a while. I was very busy this week. My exams returned and I needed to study hard to earn good grades. I am still trying and doing my best to blog often though. My exams will end in October 16 (One day before Halloween Party starts).

So back to the topic, Club Penguin released a new issue of the Club Penguin Times. The main headline of this issue is about the Halloween Party:

The second article talks about "Night of the Living Sled"

And finally, the "Upcoming Events" section (On now is not an Upcoming Event Club Penguin...):

Here is what's coming soon on the next days...

*Oct. 17 - Halloween Party
*Oct 17 - New Pin
*Oct 24 - 8th Anniversary Party

Just only one week left till the Halloween Party starts! Woo hoo!


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