
3 oct 2013

October 2013 Penguin Style Cheats!

Hey guys!

New friday of the month, means a new Penguin Style!

This month, we get a lot of spooky clothing for Halloween...

There is also a new background for everyone. The other 3 backgrounds are old backgrounds.

If you are disappointed there aren't many new backgrounds for this month's Penguin Style, no worries. There are SO Much new clothing for Halloween

New clothing to dress up for Halloween such as Zombies...

Stylish outfits...

Even Count outfits! BWAHAHAHAHA

The following pages include some old outfits from past Halloween Parties and past Penguin Style editions.

However, the last page is new too.

This month's Penguin At Work is a Gravedigger.

Now for the cheats!

Go to the first page of the catalog, then hover your mouse on the Orange Zombie Penguin's flipper with the basket.

Then you will get...

...The Trick-or-Treat Basket!

That's not all yet...on the next page. Click on the Bat Puffle of the Puffle Bat Tee...

After that, you will obtain...

...The Vampire Cape. That's a new item!

So much cheats are waiting ahead...on the next page, click on the bottom right part of the Countess Costume...

Then, you will obtain...

...The Countess Bangles. Another new item ;)

Another cheat is hiding on this page. Click on the tree branch...

...For the...

...Big Orange Lollipop! Once again, another new item. (I love when CP releases new items, specially if they are hidding)

On the next page, click on the spider above the Membership logo of the page...

Then, you might obtain...

...The Pumpkin Head. An old item...You could obtain that item from the Halloween Party 2009 at the Haunted House...Aaah memories...

Once again, another cheat is hiding around in this page. Click on the Witch Hazel Dress...

...After that, you will obtain...

...The Sparkly Emerald Shoes. 

Now for the last cheat! Go to the next page, then click on the right ear of the Ogre Ears.

After that, you will get...

...The Candy Corn Costume.

Well...that's all folks! A very LONG catalog eh?


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