Holy cow!
Do you know what day is today? Yeeupp...there is a new issue of the Club Penguin Times!
You might think it is really useless since it is delivered every Thursday but today it is an important day. An awesome goal with an amazing milestone. Yeeupp...400 ISSUES HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR YOU! By Aunt Arctic! Congratulations and thanks for ALL the writing you have made.
I know it wasn't very easy but you made it! Big cheers and honor for our Auntie Arctic! =D
However, the main topic of this issue are about the 4 Main Teams for the Scare Games which will be at the Monsters University Takeover. Also, something noteworthy is that there is the logo for the 400th Issue of the Club Penguin Times:
It says:
Are you scary? Do you have fierce attitude? Are you an all star? Do you like cake? Three fraternities and one sorority are on the look out for the scariest scarers!"
"These games are not for the faint of heart. Only serious scarers will compete for the win! There is going to be some stern competition soon, so rival teams will be recruiting the best of the best. So gather your friends to practice your brand of scare! I caught up with a group of students in the Quad who were studying their scare techniques. "We've been practicing our zombie snarls and gusher howls for weeks!" one told me. "This campus event is gonna be HUGE, so just when you think you've got a big enough scare...make it BIGGER! It can never be loud enough, fierce enough, or epic through!" Get your scares ready, the games begin June 27!"
The second headline is about the 400 Issues Aunt Arctic has made in total. She even made a poem! How nice!
It says:
"From reporting on the discovery
of puffles to getting the inside
scoop on Card-Jitsu Snow,
the Club Penguin Times is the island's
source of breaking news!"
"We've shared Gary's cutting-edge
scientific discoveries (some that
exploded!). Answered your ninja
questions in Ask Sensei. Followed
Cadence's glittering career.
"And we've learned everything
we need to know about stinky
cheese from Rockhopper!"
"All of this is and more-thanks
to devoted readers like you!
I wonder how many words
you've read in 400 issues?"
Really impressive! I still remember way back in 2008 when the 150th issue was released and with a pin to celebrate it...good times, yet good times...
And lastly, the Upcoming Events!
July 11 - Penguin Style: Check out the latest and coolest summer threads!
July 11 - Featured Postcards: Send a new shout out to an old friend!
June 27 - Scare Games!
All right so that's all! And the first 400th issue of the Club Penguin Times will be released next week along with the Monsters University Takeover and the Scare Games! Cool!